
Join us in our fight to provide all
Ukrainian Hospitals with life saving equipment

#supportUkraine #savelives


Collected for
Zaporizhzhya Regional Hospital

Collected for
Kharkiv Regional Hospital

Collected for
Kharkiv Clinical Hospital on Railway Transport N1


Who we are

In regular life we are entrepreneurs from very different industries, we provide jobs, pay taxes and work for the wellbeing of our homeland. Today, we quickly adapted to the new reality - the Russian Federation started a violent, unlawful war against Ukraine , a peaceful country of kind people whom we love.

Now we become a team of entrepreneurs united by one goal - to provide hospitals with all the necessary medical equipment to treat the wounded and save lives.

Our mission

Providing Ukrainian hospitals with life saving equipment

Our vision

To unite Ukrainians, who after a long life abroad, want to invest their money, time and experience to make Ukraine successful.